Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

E Cigarette, Hot 2009 Trend For Stop Smoking

Followed by the success of the entire E family, including Email, Ecommerce etc. the next big thing is probably the E Cigarette. This electronic smoke has emerged as a unique substitute of conventional tobacco cigarettes first invented in 2004 by an electronic company in Beijing, China. Since then, its use has touched, in fact reformed the lives of those inhaling injurious chemicals through normal tobacco cigarettes.

What Is an E Cigarette?

An E cigarette is also known as an electronic cigarette. The electronic cigarette looks tastes and feels just like a real cigarette but it is totally safer. The reason why these new E cigarettes are much safer than the traditional tobacco cigarettes is because they don’t burn any tobacco. I know what you are thinking; if they don’t burn tobacco then how can you get the same effect? There is a simple answer to that. The electronic cigarette doesn’t give off smoke when you inhale it. When you do puff on the E cigarette, you inhale nicotine water vapor rather than smoke.

The electronic cigarette is a great new alternative to smoking device which is providing smokers with a safer alternative to tobacco smoking. The electric cigarette is made up of 2 main parts, the battery and the liquid nicotine cartridge that has a built in atomizer in it. The liquid nicotine cartridge screws right onto the battery. The battery looks like the white stem of a real cigarette and the cartridge looks like the tip or filter end of a real tobacco cigarette.

When the smoker puffs on the electric cigarette, the battery sends an electrical charge to the atomizer that is located in the cartridge. The atomizer then heats up the liquid nicotine and turns the liquid nicotine into water vapor. When the smoker exhales, he or she is blowing out water vapor and no smoke. These is a huge benefit compared to smoking regular tobacco cigarettes because since there is no tobacco burning, there is no need for a lighter, no need to worry about inhaling carcinogens or 4,000 other chemicals and poisons that you would get smoking tobacco cigarettes.

On top of that there is no need to worry about cigarette smell or second hand smoke either. The electronic cigarette provides smokers with the nicotine hit that they crave without all the deadly side effects. This is what makes these E cigarettes so much safer to smoke than traditional tobacco cigarettes. You will see in the very near future the true benefits of these E cigarettes. Are you ready to become tobacco free?

I guess the answer depends on your smoking habits of each. But iam ready to use E Cigarette. I think it also a new alternative product to stop the bad effects caused due to conventional smoking

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